You can order your first play button (silver) when you cross 100,000 YouTube subscribers. And restarting every time this happens is not acceptable for me.“It’s a solid piece of machined aluminum – which is super heavy – and then polished on the outside with crystal embedded in the middle of it,” Brownlee says. websites like need longer for the bugs to appear than YouTube and Netflix, but it appears. Usually restarting Safari helps, but only a little time. I have to click somewhere up and then move the text-cursor down with my arrows. It's also stuck on that cursor symbol until I click something else.Īlso what I just noticed while writing this post, the bottom 2 lines of this textarea aren't clickable and if I do click there I will lose focus of it. If I click it, it changes, but not before that. When moving over a textfield, the cursor will change to that line thing that I forgot the name of. When moving the cursor over a button / link / etc., the cursor will change to a hand, indicating something clickable. The overlay will disappear if I continue the video and move my cursor. To make it appear, I have to click on the video, therefore stopping it. When moving the cursor over the video, the video overlay appears and the cursor changes. I'm at wits end with this, but I'm also not overly tech-savvy.Ĭursor not updating UI, cursor not being updated I have some pretty weird Safari behaviours that are annoying and only appear on Safari when using some websites for longer. Here's what I've tried: clearing browser history, clearing Safari cache, and running Etrecheck to see if there was anything very obvious. Now here's the kicker: it only does this once or twice every few weeks.

After I click, the video player says it is on just over 25 minutes. Also, I've noticed that the thumbnail before I click says that the video will be over 33 minutes long. No amount of waiting will load the video. Even when I click on that, the hollow circle continues to spin behind the play button. It does this for a couple of minutes, then pops up a picture of the thumbnail with a large red play button in the middle (like the YouTube logo). When the page comes up, it will have the standard hollow circle that represents the page loading.

When they came up, I noticed they had a new video, so I clicked on it. I went onto YouTube (didn't even log in), and searched for one of my favorite YouTubers.